
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code

Week 5:

Hello! This has been a productive week. I am currently learning Javascript while practicing html and css.

I have started a blog. Links will be updated here Soon!

Until then, check out more content on my website!

Check out my website for update videos! erpolley.com

html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code

Week 4:
So, this is the week I decided to create a visual index of all my projects, order by date.
I am currently working on CSS Animation, and starting to dive into JavaScript. I am taking it a bit slow with Javascript, as I would like to practice, maintain, and continue to grow with skills in HTML and CSS. So designing projects like this are perfect for exactly that.

I am excited for the next steps, creating and adding functionality to websites, games, and apps; sounds like a lot of fun. I have dabbled, and to reiterate; I am taking it slow with Javascript.

As of writing this, I am not sure to call it a blog, or what. So that is the title I will go with currently.

Check out my website for update videos! erpolley.com

html, css, and javascript code
html, css, and javascript code

Week 3:

I am writing this retrospectively.
Week 3, I finished The freecodecamp wed dev course!
Now I can build a website!

Now its time to add some functionality to the whole thing!

Check out my website for update videos! erpolley.com

html, css, and javascript code

Week 2:

I am writing this retrospectively.
I have been working through freecodecamp
I can build and link web pages with HTML and CSS

This is so close to the beginning! Two weeks in, it is difficult to find your footing

Check out my website for update videos! erpolley.com